Thursday, June 12, 2008

From Makayla♥

Um... Okay, so we went to Marata (pronounced matata) today and bought food for the locals. It took an hour to drive there and we approached a much higher altitude. As we split into teams to go from store to store, we handed out bibles, candy, and bracelets that said Jesus te ama (jesus loves you). It was overwhelming at the responses we got. Huge crowds of people were lining up to recieve the gifts. My group (Mr.Lorch, Ms.Lorch, & Erin L.) were followed by numerous people from place to place in hopes of getting the Bibles. The candy was way accepted as well and i believe that's what we ran out of the fastest. All the animals here (cows, dogs, sheep, chickens, cats, etc.) are way different than the ones we have at home. They look as if they haven't eaten in about 10 years and none of them seem as if they have any life at all in them. You can go up to any of them and just pet them and they will act as if they don't exist. The donkeys ecspecially carry heavy loads of things like metal and corn and probably only weigh about 30-40 pounds. Its crazy. The VBS took over really well. There were not only kids there but many women as well. It was pretty overwhelming to teach them how to make a pipe cleaner and paper flower when we didn't even really know how to say the word flower in spanish. It was pretty funny actually. The food here is awesome. It's very different from american food even though they call it the same stuff. But anyways...God has blessed us with a great and safe trip so we're all pretty happy and excited to see what each day brings.


Lori said...

Makayla, the trip sounds absolutely amazing. From the sound of the blog and the picture of you smiling in the village is just awesome. I dont know if I have ever seen you so happy. I only wiah I was there to share it with you. I am so very proud of you and all who have went with you. Have a wonderful time and enjoy each and every minute of this experience. Miss you much. Love, Mom

Connie said...


I read Chris' blog and he said you might start a Humane Society over there. YOU GO GIRL!!! I will help you start it up! I would feel so sorry for those animals over there. It would just break my heart to see them in that shape and the people also. Glad to see there is more animals lovers in this world.


kim cummings said...

I loved seeing your smiling face in the picture. I love reading your blogs. I am so proud of Makayla. Thank you for setting such a good example for Haleigh. She really looks up to you. She wanted to know you went to Peru without her. I explained to her that she would get to go when she was older. I know that others are seeing Christ in you in Peru, but there are people here seeing Him living you as well. Give my baby boy a great big kiss for me. Tell him that I love him and miss him very much.
Enjoy the rest of your trip.
Aunt Kim

Brooklyn Grimes said...

Hey Makayla,
Jordan said hi and he want to go with you next year but he wont be able to.My mom said be good and my dad said nothing.haha,well have a good time in Peru,

Love,Brooklyn xoxo

Mission Team said...

hey brooklyn.
i left you and everyone else a post under chris's blog.

BrooklynGrimes said...

okay I'll look see here it is 11:33 right now at noght Im tired but I stay up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jordan said he loves you!!!!!!!Tabby said have fun and dont forget her!!!!!!Larry said nothing again and Keri said to still be good!!!!!!!!

Brooklyn<3 Makayla