Saturday, June 14, 2008

Chris' Saturday Night Blog

Looks like I'll be the first to tell you all about the orphanage today. First of all me, John, and Charles replaced some of the benches that were in sorry shape. Then the rest of the team joined us in the afternoon to play with the kids. It was incredibly sad. I've been to this orphanage before, but it still got to me the second time around. I'm sure everyone has a unique story to tell, so I'll just go with mine. There was one little boy there who was totally blind in one eye, and wasn't doing so hot with the other one either. However, this was the most determined kid in the whole place. We gave him some string and some beads, and he would hold it right up to his good eye and string it himself. He wanted no help from anyone. There was another girl who was partially paralyzed who was hobbling around the place with the biggest smile on her face because she was actually getting attention from all kinds of people. I had to carry her (literally) up the slide and she just laughed. The sad fact is that most of these kids will never get adopted. We ate supper with them and they laughed at our Spanish, if you could call it that. I told Tab I wish I could eat Saturday dinner with these kids every week. It is so overwhelming because it seems like they need more than we could ever give them. I wish all of you could come here to experience this just once. Believe me, it puts your entire life in perspective. I could ramble on about this for much longer, but I'll let the others tell their stories. Hope you all have good services tomorrow at church.

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