Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thursday--from Naomi

We started our day going to Monte Sion School and being entertained by some of the school children They were so cute. The school continues to expand, work has started on the 4th floor. We came back to Villa Milagro to hold clinic for the workers and their families here. Larry also had a few people come to be seen that he was concerned about. The first little boy seen broke our hearts--cancer growing on his face that would have been operated on back in the states--condition too bad now to help. We are truly blessed with our health care back in the US. We finished our work about 5 PM and had hoped to go to town, however, it is raining and don't know if we will be able to go. They are roasting a whole hog (not a razorback) for our supper tonight. We will be leaving here about 9 AM Friday...back in Lima for the day Friday and Friday night...leaving Lima about 7 AM Saturday with plans to return back to Little Rock about 9 or 10 PM. We've had an awesome trip! All are still well.


haybillybun said...

Thanks, Naomi. We appreciate your updates!

Austin, everything is going fine here. I am a little worried about your driving back here late Saturday night. I hope you can sleep on the plane. I wonder if you don't want to stay in Little Rock and come back after church Sunday? Maybe you can stay with Fr. Define or the Naumans? I hope you get this message before you leave. Let me know if you want me to contact someone in LR. Love, Mary

Unknown said...

This has been a great blogspot! You did a super job, Hannah, in setting this up. It is most interesting! Thanks and thank you to all who are willing to go and work!