Wednesday, April 11, 2007

From Naomi--Wed. night

We made it back from Magdalena about supper time all safe and sound, but very tired. We saw lots and lots of people the past 2 days. We stayed at a place that was run by 2 nuns...very clean which was a nice surprise because when we stay out on the road, we usually stay at 3 star hotels...Doyne says you can tell it's a 3-star hotel because when you lay down and look up, you can see 3 stars through the roof. Magdalena is in a valley with beautiful mountains completely surrounding it. Last night the sky was clear and we enjoyed sitting on the roof top of the monestary and just looking at the stars while listening to Whino music (that's dogs whining in the background). The night came to an end when we saw a bat fly just over our heads and one landed on my hand. I jumped up screaming and someone shined their flashlight on me only to warn me that the bat was clinging to my pant leg. Eventually, they got the light closer to discover it was only a huge katy-did...thank goodness!!

We have been fed very well while here and everyone feels confident they they have gained at least 5 pounds.

We will hold a clinic here at Villa Milagro tomorrow for the workers here and also have plans to go visit the school at Monte Sion. Tomorrow afternoon we hope to get a little free time to go to downtown Cajamarca and see the plaza.

Everyone is well...we've been blessed that no one has been ill. Thanks for your prayers.

Maggie, I hope your hand is OK. You know my standard advice...take 2 ibuprofen and call me in the morning. ha And, yes, we are all spoiled back home. You remember how these people appreciate anything you give them. I saw a little 2 year old walking down the street drinking water out of a little medicine bottle that we had emptied.

Sandy, I'm having serious spades withdrawal. Everyone here is too pooped to play. I'll be ready to play next week!


KK said...

For Dr. Beller:
Sorry I missed your call Dad. I didn't leave the house all day until 6:30 and went for a walk with Duke. We miss you - even if you "do not miss us very much". ;) If you call again call the cell phone - I always have it close. Love from everyone- See you Saturday night!

haybillybun said...

Thanks for the update, Naomi. I was waiting to see if you all made it back safely.

Everything is fine here. The kids are being good. Charlie has a two-day field trip to the nature center--he's all packed and ready for that. Looking forward to seeing you in a couple days and hearing all the details of your adventure.