Sunday, April 8, 2007

From John Covington

Dear Ashley and Family--Things are going great here. The mountains are so beautiful that a picture can't start to capture them. Me and doctor Beller pulled some where around 80 teeth yesterday. Several people didn't have any teeth left. A lot of people are geting help that haven't had help in a long time. How are things going in Rosie. You better check on my dogs and pet them every day!! And maybe take thyem hunting a time or two. Anyway, I love you all and I love it here but I love Rosie more. See you soon. Love, John


Charles said...

John, This is the second time I've sent this but something happened to it! We all ate at our house Easter night and we all read your comment. We sure miss you and Bro. Richard mentioned you several times in his prayers and message Sunday. Hang in there and we'll see you Friday night. We're proud of you and love you very much. Bye for now- Dad, Mom, Ashley, Nin and Pa, Granny JoAnn, Brad and Jessie.

Bro. Richard said...

John, We are praying for you here at Fellowship. We are looking forward to your return so you can share with us about your experiences. I also noticed you did'nt leave any offering for this week. We will talk about it when you get back (ha, ha,). Stay close to God & shine for Jesus in Peru.
Bro. Richard

Charles said...

Dear John,
I am thrilled at the great work that you and all the others are doing. I know that God has answered many prayers. I miss you so much I can hardly wait to see you. (everybody does!) Tiny got out and is AWOL! The donkey has been looking for him ,too. Pa and Ashley looked for him, but couldn't find him. You'll have a job when you get back! Saturday can't come quick enough for me! Be careful coming home! Love you so much! Love, Mom