Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday night

Sorry about not writing sooner, but now also having problems with internet connection. Have finally found a computer that works...maybe I won't jinx this one...and yes, new computers would definitely be nice! I'll start with report from Monday. Monday started a little precarious when on the way to Monte Sion Baptist Church (where we were holding the clinic for the day) David was stopped at a road block about 3 blocks from the church. He didn't have his wallet, but he and Celso, the Peruvian who was driving the vehicle behind us, explained to the young police woman that David would go back and get his driver's license later, they let us on through. David later returned to Villa Milagro (where we stay) and retreived his wallet, but the road block was no longer in process when he came back through. Later in the middle of clinic, 4 young police women came looking for the runaway bandit. David showed them his Arkansas fishing license as Uncle Doyne had taught him to do, and they were pleased. We ended up treating the officers to some dental services, Susan even brushed their teeth. (hope to post photos.) Now we have new friends who may come in handy to know at the next road block.

On a more serious note, we saw lots of patients and everyone was busy. I would like to say a special thanks to Dr. Allen Upchurch, an eye doctor from Texas. I've never had an eye doctor with us on a mission trip, but he was truly sent by God for this trip. He's been on several mission trips and says he usually will see about 5 patients in a whole trip with glaucoma, but he saw 5 just in the morning yesterday. One was a 30 year old nurse who rode the bus for 4 hours to see us after she heard we were going to be in town. She was having problems with her eyes being blurry. Dr. Upchurch diagnosed her with a rapidly progressive type of glaucoma and she will be blind soon if she doesn't receive laser surgery. She has eye drops to control the problem for now, but keep her in your prayers that she will be able to get the surgery she needs. We have seen many other interesting and sad things, but have messages from others for now.


Unknown said...

Doyne and David...what a team....more interesting stories to tell at the dinner table and family reunions...of course ..Praying for you as God brings you to my mind during the day and night times. I love these posts and love you guys...

Metcalf's said...

Thanks so much for keeping us up to date. It's wonderful to read and see all that is happening. I am so proud of my husband right now!