Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday, our last day

What a blessed day this has been. The folks at Fellowship had an idea to buy food and take to some needy families. We divided into 3 teams and headed to the central market with a list of food to buy. We bought canned milk, sugar, oatmeal and oil. Rice and noodles had already been bought in bulk. Their diet here is high in starch. Groceries for one month was purchased for 20 families for $1,000.00. The market was quite an interesting experience. Small booths are set up in a large building selling everything from baskets, foods, spices, fresh meat, fresh veggies, and coca leaves. Several booths were serving meals, mostly soups and such. After we finished our purchases (which did not include any coca leaves in case anyone is wondering), we came back to Villa Milagro and divided our goods into 20 piles. We loaded up a few at a time and headed out to give the goods away to families that Pastor Helmer from Monte Sion church had listed as very needy. The first "home" we visited was a plastic 'tent' pitched next to a wall of another building. The lady who lived here supports herself and her daughter by walking the streets and picking up plastic bottles and selling them. When we arrived with the food, she raised her hands and closed her eyes and said over and over, "Thank you God, Thank you God." We all had tears in our eyes (flood waters would a better description for some) when we saw what this gift meant to this woman. The rest of the day was more give aways. It has been a great trip. A couple of last prayer requests. Two men who work for Villa Milagro are Jamie and Orlondo. Their father suffered an anuerysm yesterday and passed away. Please remember their families during this time of grief. And, please keep us in your prayers as we travel home. We leave Cajamarca for an early flight back to Lima in the morning and then will fly out of Lima about midnight Tuesday night. Thanks for keeping up with us on this journey and thanks for your prayers. I posted just a few more pictures at photobucket.

1 comment:

Tab said...

Sounds like you had a eventful day.
Be careful coming home. We are prayong for you. We can not wait to see you. We love you.
Erin, Kelsey, Tab