Wednesday, July 18, 2007

From Jo:

Jess--Looking forward to seeing you. Tomorrow we have our last clinic. Your adventure will begin soon. No need to bring a camera, if you have memory card you can bring it, but don't worry about it. The tie balloons (probably need the pump) would be a hit with the kids if you can bring them. If anyone gave you more stuff (vitamins, etc.) you can bring. If anyone asks, we could use some 325mg Tylenol in addition to the vitamins. You can look forward to cooler weather here. Not really cold, but nice fall weather. Love you babe, Jo. P.S. Jan says "Hi!"

1 comment:

Jess said...

Jo - Trying to respond is a big problem -techno speak beyond my ability. I think I' ve got it now. I got your message and already had the pumps -couldn't see me blowing up too many ballons at altitude. Ethan is doing good at team camp but his braces adjustment has been rough this time. I've been keeping pretty low key about going to Peru (me low key? imagine that) but I'm starting to get pretty excited. Kelly has been in the hospital this week (nothing major) so I've had a lot of extra stuff to do. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Love Jess