Sunday, July 15, 2007

From Joanne:

Yo! Jess and crew, we have had a day of rest so we will be ready to go in the morning for a 3 hour bus ride and two days of clinic. E, if you want to bring praise music at least a few songs the group might have devotions. Jennifer B, if you have the time to print more labels we have used most of what you sent. Jess, if you have room stick in the World magazines on the counter. Several have enjoyed reading the ones I brought. Miss you all and see you soon.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Jo - This didn't want to work at home so I'm doing it at church. I read your blog and will tell Ethan to bring music. Ethan did a 3rd day song Sunday and did a good job. I had the piano tuned the other day when the church had theirs done (saved a milage fee). I miss you big time and can't sleep without you to keep me penned to my fraction of the bed. Is there anything we should bring that we haven't discussed? - Say hi to Jan. - Jess