Tuesday, July 7, 2009


We had another great day! However, we really need you mom. No one "wings it" quite like you. We really miss everyone. Don't worry Lori we have lots of pictures of Makayla and your mom. Ms. Roni is doing great. She really loves the kids.
We miss you and love you. Take care of the new gossling. Tell Allie, Nate, Aunt Pam and Kimberly, and Unle Sam and Brent that we miss them and love them too.
Erin and Kelsey


Neela Nuckolls said...

Hi girls, i can't wait until Friday. I hoppe you have a good day a5t vbs today. Be sure and take care of granddad for me. Tell Your mom and dad, Matt and Natalie we all said hello and that we love you all!

Lori said...

Can't wait to see my Makayla and my mother !! Hope all is well and hurry home. If ya'll can't get me on my phone, call Blake's or Derrick's, I really want to hear my baby girl's voice.
