Thursday, June 4, 2009


Kim : This week here in Peru has changed my life. The people have been so kind and gracious. My heart has been touched and will never be the same. They have done more for me than I could ever hope to do for them. I have been humbled and at times ashamed because truthfully I have nothing to complain about. I am so thankful for this experience and all it has brought to my life. I am confident the people of Peru will see me again.
Glenna-We had clinic again at the University Nacional de Cajamarca. As compared to yesterday, there weren’t as many crisis cases. At least 2 we saw yesterday may not have lived to see today – a 1 yr. old and an 80 yr. old. We do what we can with what we have and these people are grateful just that we have tried to help. It makes me thankful to be an American and thankful for all that we are privileged to have.

Carla today we had our fifth clinic of the week ( I think!) and saw a different (gente) or group of people than in the smaller city ( further )up in the mountains-- interesting- I have yet to see a smoker- on the streets
The work is difficult in the mind set that one has to remember that these people seek medical care very rarely- and one needs to make benefit with even short term meds and life style changes. It was refreshing when a nursing student at the university asked me what she could do for her malady other than medications-- I told her that was a very intelligent question.

NaeNae--We've had a wonderful serious illnesses for our travelers and I think everyone has been blessed by the experience. We've worked hard and have seen over 1,500 people including medical, dental, and eyeglasses. We handed out all the New Testaments we had and people were asking for more. The reading glasses were a big hit today and over 600 pairs were given out the past 2 days. Had had a great time but ready to come home and see my babies...tell Allie, Penny and Annie I'm missing them too and will see you soon!

1 comment:

Bill Yancey said...

We are now praying for your safe return.
