Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tuesday All is going well and staying busy! Sunday, we started the day going to church at Monte Sion. We were blessed to hear a message from Dr. Ron, the physician who is running the Monte Sion clinic. Most of us, including me, couldn't understand what he was saying, but Doyne gave us a abbreviated version after the service. Sunday afternoon, we went to the orphanage and played with the children. There were only 25 children there. There is a new director and she says the older children run away at night and once they do that, she doesn't allow them to return. There use to be up to 70 or so children there. We helped them roast hotdogs and marshmallows. It was a contest to see which kid could eat more dogs. I'm sure their bellies hurt that night, but they sure enjoyed it that afternoon. Monday, we held clinic in an area of Cajamarca called Santa Barbara. We held clinic in the dance hall. It was a nice building with concrete floors and natural ventilation through the walls. We had a good day. Today we are going back to Monte Sion for clinic.

1 comment:

Bill Yancey said...

Good to hear everything is going well.